Top Ten CDC Objectives For “Healthy People 2010”
October 10, 2001
10. | 20% of population able to "clean and jerk" Danny DeVito |
9. | Diminish sexually transmitted diseases 35% by encouraging frumpy appearance |
8. | People with thick, lumpy toenails eliminated from population entirely |
7. | Decrease fracture risk by encouraging adoption of puffy, rubberized suits by all youth |
6. | Poverty associated with poor health, so encourage people to be rich |
5. | Decrease falls by firmly attaching 15% of elderly to ceiling |
4. | Reduce by half the incidence of hydatidiform moles, hydatidiform badgers, and hydatidiform racoons. |
3. | Stamp out dental disease through national "GnawHealthy" program |
2. | Expand needle-exchange programs to include knitting needle exchange vans for seniors |
1. | Enhance safer sex efforts: flavored condoms to be available in Smoky Bacon, Sauerkraut n' Relish, and Spicy Taquito flavors |
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