Q Fever! Medical Humor & Satire

August 23, 2000 | Volume 1, Issue 6

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Top Ten Reasons Canadians Prefer Their Health System

10. Long waiting lists make it unlikely that elective surgery will conflict with coming year's Stanley Cup games
9. Canadian docs really know what they're talking "aboat"
8. Need for CT Scans brings thousands of Canadians to scenic Detroit every year
7. System more able to quickly deal with cold injuries, like tongue stuck to frozen metal pole - ER MD urinates on pole to free tongue
6. Canadian ophthalmologists more adept at examining beady little eyes
5. Hey, wasn't Osler a Canadian?
4. Canadians don't have to drive TO Canada for cheaper medications, they just have to drive IN Canada
3. Canadian bacon way better than American bacon
2. Molson brand beers used for intravenous fluid maintenance
1. Canadian hospitals give each patient their own Maple Leaf flag to sew onto their backpacks

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