April 4, 2001 | Volume 2, Issue 4

Just like your
mamma used
to make it!

Medical Humor & Satire
For Healthcare Professionals

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Notes From The Editors
The Hardest Thing

Gentle Readers,

This isn't easy for us to say.

It may, in fact, be the hardest thing we've ever had to say...


But we just wanted to let you know.

We wanted to let you know, that...

We'll always be your friend... confidant... sister... mother... comrade... brother... companion... lover!

How do we know?



You see, the other day, we were asked to represent our healthcare community in the 2004 Athens Olympics.

Imagine that!

Us, a little medical humor and satire website.

"Your #1 Source For Healthcare Misinformation."

Strutting our stuff, on the global stage... for millions of viewers around the world!

And you know what?

You know what?

We declined.

We declined, because we wanted to have more time to spend...

                 ...with YOU.


The Editors
M. Furfur, MD Editor-In-Chief
B. Cereus, MD, PhD, Editor-At-Large

And remember: "QUALITY without the Q ain't nothing but UALITY"

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Remember: Quality Without The Q Is Just Uality!
Editor-In-Chief: C. Burnetti, MD | Editor-At-Large: M. Furfur, MD, PhD
All rights reserved. © Q Fever!, LLC 2000-2005

Disclaimer: This is a medical humor and parody website meant solely for entertainment purposes, and is not intended to recommend or advise regarding the prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of any medical illness or condition. Stories and articles are meant only to provide a brief, fleeting distraction from the wretchedness of reality, and are not intended to be insensitive, callous, or offensive, or to otherwise belittle the plight of those affected with any medical disease, condition, or illness. All names and descriptions of people are fictitious except for those of well-known public figures, who are the subject of satire. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely coincidental. Medical Humor is just that: Medical Humor.